Saturday, July 26, 2008

Web 2.0 - and the winners are...

So I thought I'd have a look at an honorable mention that intigued me. It's called Similar in scope to Twitter (I think) and basically people can submit their sentence, summarising their life (or part of it). My sentence was "A house is just a building, but a home is a house with memories". You have to wait to see if it has been approved by the website owner, and he allows a part of his site for "Unapproved entires" where anyone can then approve/disapprove sentences - some of the sentences there are crap... You then get an email when your sentence is approved (I'm just waiting for my approval now - I hope).

Now I've just looked at Twitter and added it to my blog and facebook site.

Now I'm going to look at the multi award winning site called "my bed" - goodnight, another exciting Saturday night at home.

1 comment:

Michelle McLean said...

Cool - saw you on Twitter - welcome to the crazy world of microblogging.